Let's Celebrate International Women's Mountain Biking Day!

May 2020

Contributed By Sam Bosence


IMBA's International Women's Mountain Biking Day takes place the first Saturday in May. It's a day for women to get together to experience, share and express their love of mountain biking! 

Tag your rides with #womensmtbday and #sheradadventures!

How can you get involved in Women's MTB Day in your trail community?

  • Under normal circumstances, we would say to plan a special ride with all of your rad lady friends, but we do need to be respectful of our current situations. So, if you can get out on your trails, give an extra loud shout out to the other lady shredders you see! We mean it, like a big "WOOT WOOT YOU ARE RAD LADY!"! 

  • Get involved with your local cycling club! Your trails can always use some love, so why not volunteer some time to help maintain your favourite trails?! Your local trail managers can help you learn about trail maintenance and proper tool use, and would like dig (see what we did there?) having you help out! The Be Rad Team likes to work on trails together, when possible.

  • Attend our upcoming bike maintenance event! We will be chatting with bike mechanics from local shops to help you understand more about your bike's components and how to set it up for your riding style. We will also chat about the mountain biking culture, and give you a chance to ask questions!

  • Attend a Skills Clinic. We are all learning about the sport from beginners to advanced riders. There is always something you can pick up to help progress your mountain biking skills! We are working on Safe Practices During a Pandemic to offer you the safest Instruction possible. Check in our Events page for upcoming dates and locations for Skill + Ride Sessions with certified Mountain Bike Instructors Sam and Emily!

  • We are still planning our Mountain Biking Adventures in Atlantic Canada this season...fingers crossed we can host you for an epic weekend of mountain biking, food, drinks, sociables, and more riding in some of Atlantic Canada's best trail communities!


Our Tips for a Happy Ride:

  • Bike with those who empower and encourage you!

  • Don't be afraid to ride with new trail buddies - don't let that voice in your head tell you you'll slow them down, because good trail buddies are in it for the social and health benefits! 

  • Set goals for yourself and no one else - it's your journey!

  • Don't hesitate to hike a bike once in a while. We have all done it, and one day you'll likely bike it. If it doesn't feel like your jam, skip it and move on to the next feature or trail!

Cheers to you, Rad Mountain Biking Ladies!

We are spending part of our International Women's Day in Rockwood Park to help maintain the trails with guidance from one of Saint John Cycling's Lead Trail Builders and Instructor on the Be Rad Team, Emily!

Emily, Lydia, Sam, Lindsay, Lauren, and MJ


Gear up: MTB


Staying Rad During a Pandemic